














1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2006

Champagne Salon, サロン 2013

シャンパーニュ・サロン 2013 ため息の出る美貌




シャンパーニュ地方の2013年 秋色のヴィンテージ


13°C ~15°C







Champagne Salon 2012

シャンパーニュ・サロン2012 微笑み




13°C ~15°C




イエローダイヤモンドが持つ無限のファセットのような完璧さへの願望。感動的なテイスティングが導くデリケートなサプライズ。光の中で輝く澄んだ⻩⾦⾊と透明で繊細な緑⾊。⾹りはまずミネラル感。そしてサロンに特徴的な⽯灰質感、フルーティーな⾹り、そしてバラのドライフラワー。余韻は⻑々と続き、新鮮さ、ボディを持ちながらもスレンダーな⼝当たり、そして率直で⾼貴な酸味。これらの完璧な⻣格から、何⼗年もの輝かしい熟成ポテ ンシャルが予想されます。また、空気に触れさせることで、パイナップル、ライチ、軽いスモークの⾹りが広がります。愛らしく魅⼒的でミステリアスな微笑みを持つサロン2012 。それはまるで、謎に包まれたモナリザの微笑みのようです。正反対のものが共に勝利する同盟、⽢い恋愛戦争。サロン2012の愛。舞い上がる炎のような、笑顔の輝きをお楽しみくだい。



Champagne Salon 2008



歴史が刻まれたシャンパーニュ、サロン。1910年代、ウジェーヌ=エメ・サロンが夢見たシャンパーニュは、メニル・シュール・オジェという偉大なテロワールで収穫された、シャ ルドネ種のみ使用のヴィンテージワインでした。「唯一無二」という特徴のもと、繊細で多彩な、世界最高級のシャンパーニュを夢見たのです。そんな創始者のビジョンの象徴ともいえるヴィンテージが、サロン2008です。セラーで時間をかけて育てられ、自然がもつ感動的な美を豊満に表すこのシャンパーニュは、ミネラル感たっぷりで、白亜土壌特有の香りが長い余韻となって口の中を包み込みます。しっかりとした骨格の力強い味わい。長期熟成の可能性を予告する見事なミネラル感。自然が見事な働きを成し遂げ、絶妙のバランスが取れたワインが生まれました。


暖かい冬の後に雨の多い春が訪れ、開花が始まる6月初旬は寒さに見舞われました。しかし、ブドウの木は力強く育ち、天はブドウ農家に味方したようです。その後暑い夏が到来し、ブドウが結実してよい兆しが見えました。豊作ではなくとも、質のよいブドウの出来が見込まれたからです。見事な天候の8月が、収穫の日取りを確実なものにしましたが、9月初旬は曇天続きで、最後の不安をかきたてました。ところがどうでしょう。シャルドネは時間をかけながらも成長し、サロンのブドウ畑の収穫日となった9月17日まで、しっかりと力を蓄え続けました。 2008年、それは厄介ではあってもサロンの独創性が証明される年となりました。結果は神々しいまでの驚異、またそれ以上のものだったかもしれません。なぜなら、土地の聖霊と人間の才能が生み出した、シャルドネの華麗さの極致がそこにあったからです。


13°C ~15°C






シャンパーニュサロン 2008 は、大地、大海、大空といった大自然を思わせるワインです。また 、世界中どこでも極上の時間が過ごせるシーンにぴったりなワインでもあります。かつて味わった祖母の美味しい料理を思い起こすとき、あるいはトリュフを、牡蠣を、キャビアを、セヴィーチェを、カリっと揚がった天ぷらをはじめて味わった、あの至福の瞬間を思い起こすとき、 サロン2008はそんな夢の世界に最適なワインです。 寛大なエスプリをもったシャンパーニュ サロン2008、まさに夢のワインです。

Champagne Salon 2007



サロンは、唯一のブドウ品種であるシャルドネ、唯一のテロワールであるコート・デ・ブラン地区、唯一のクリュであるル・メニル・シュール・オジェ村、そしてその年に収穫されたブドウしか使わない、というすべてが「唯一」という文字で綴られたワインです。各ヴィンテージ によって同じ顔を見せないサロンは、ブドウの状態が最良の年にしかリリースされません。そのため、各ヴィンテージが、土地と自然がもたらす素材を尊重した、夢のような逸品に仕上がるのです。ワインを育てる、とはよく言ったもので、サロンが作られる行程は、各ブドウの性格や特徴を尊重しながら行う、最も繊細な教育とも言えるでしょう。そしてこの教育、つまりワインに本来備わった最良のものを引き出す方法を実行するのは、サロン造りに携わる人々に他なりません。サロン2007は 、天使のように愛らしく、育ちの良い子供のようです。若さに輝き、美しく華やかに成熟し続けることでしょう。


穏やかな冬と素晴らしい4月の後、ブドウ畑は美しい花が咲く季節を迎えます。6月、7月は晴天が続き、肌寒かった8月に必要な熱を残しました。寛大な自然に恵まれ、収穫の時を迎えたかのように見えましたが、突如晴天の日が訪れたことで、収穫開始が延期されます。エネルギーと光が、ブドウ畑に再度溢れ出したのです。不安定な年ではありましたが、完璧に熟したブドウが収穫されました。多すぎない程度の豊かな糖分と、率直な酸味を持つブド ウ果汁が、適度な量で搾取されました。ここからは、時間がワインをゆっくりと熟成させてくれるはずです。


13°C ~15°C




グラスに注がれたサロン 2007 は、淡いトーンの中でレモンイエロー、または緑色の反射光をもつ黄金色が私達の目を楽しませてくれます。泡は繊細で敏捷。活気があってエネルギッシュなサロン 2007 のイメージそのものです。グラスからは、レモン、ライム、ゆず、早朝を思わせる香りに、青りんごや、ほんの少しだけ燻したお茶や、濡れた石の上に覆ったフレッシュハーブの香りが立ち込めます。口に含むと、純粋さや潔白さが感じられた後で、メニル特有の、小石の多い土壌のテロワールの厳密さが表に出てきます。一つの衝撃、終わることのないきらびやかさが続きます。サロン 2007がもつ白熱は、セラーの暗闇の中で長期において持続することでしょう。サロン 2007は、その姿を現せはじめたオーロラを思わせるワインです。


海の幸はサロン2007との相性が抜群で、このワインをさらに美味しく引き立てます。生、グラタン、エスプーマなど、あらゆる調理法による牡蠣料理。ラングスティーヌの天ぷらやスズキのタルタル、またはセビーチェ。ホタテならさっと焼いたものが最高です。 食事の最後には、24ヶ月熟成したコンテチーズやトリュフ入りのブリーチーズがおすすめです。

Champagne Salon 2006



その年の気候が起こす些細な出来事が、すべてを変えてしまう。そんな繊細な環境が、サロンの気質を作り上げるのです。ロマンチックで、情熱的で、興奮に満ちたサロン 2006。静寂の中で時間をかけて熟成させるため、メニル・シュール・オジェ村にあるワインセラーで少なくとも11年の年月が流れます。そんなに長い時間をかけて育てられたにもかかわらず、ワインには若い力が漲り、反逆心のある風味が感じられます。まさに将来が約束されたシャンパーニュです。


太陽と暑さに恵まれた6月と7月の後、肌寒くて雨が多い8月を迎えました。ところが、9月は一転して、朝方はひんやりしていましたが、日中には太陽がブドウ畑を十分に照らします。この天候は、収穫が終わる10月2日まで続き、この年の特徴となる糖分と適度な酸味に恵まれた素晴らしいブドウが収穫されます。収量は、多すぎず、少なすぎず。将来が楽しみなサロン 2006。前途洋々なワインができました。


13°C ~15°C




急がないこと。サロン 2006の栓を抜いたら、一呼吸し、肩の力を抜いて、しばらく待つことが大切です。それから、ゆっくりグラスに注いで下さい。色合いは、銀色がかった緑色の煌きを見せる明るい黄金色。開栓直後のサロンに特有の、魅惑的な香りが立ち込め、安定した細かい気泡が力強く立ちのぼります。はじめの香りは、フローラル、柑橘類のピール、わずかにトーストしたブリオッシュ。そして、新鮮なへーゼルナッツ、プラリネ、ドライアプリコット、熟した黄色の果実といった、秋のアロマが立ち込めます。生命力を備えた若狭がもたらすような、新鮮味が高貴でロマンチックな印象を受けます。そでには、ミステリーさと魅力性が同居しています。洗練さに長けて、寛大で軽やか。それでいて頑健。これらの相反する特徴を合わせ持つサロン 2006の印象は、口に含んだときに確信となります。完璧な骨格からは育ちの良さを感じさせ、温かみもあるかと思うと、矢のような辛辣さも感じさせるワイン。ちょうど良い酸味が、30年間熟成できるワインであることを告げており、将来が大変楽しみなワインです。


サロン 2006にあう料理や食材は数々あります。薄くスライスしたイベリコハムとは最高なデュオを組みますし、濃厚なブラックチョコレートのタルトやトリュフ風味のポテトピューレ、あるいはトリュフを入れた卵料理やまぐろのカルパッチョなども最高です。

Champagne Salon, AOC Champagne Grand Cru, Effervescent Brut, 2004







13°C ~15°C







Champagne Salon, AOC Champagne Grand Cru, Effervescent Brut, 2002







13°C ~15°C







Champagne Salon 1999





シャンパ一ニュの歴史上、屈指のブドウ豊作年となった1999年。 20世紀でも、記録的に温暖な一年でした。暖冬、そして温かい春の後に、雷雨とあられがブドウ畑を襲いましたが、初夏




13°C ~15°C







Champagne Salon 1997

Salon 1997: A sensuality of silk. Rare Salon vintages : the 36th vintage of Salon, and as its pinacle of sensuality the 1997 vintage.


Throughout winter and spring the climate alternated between mild weather and extreme cold.
On June 11th, flowering began in Le Mesnil-sur-Oger.
Summer was hot and dry, making for excellent ripening conditions. The harvest commenced on September 22nd; during picking the weather was summery but with cold evening temperatures, which encouraged good acidity.

In the vineyard

Throughout winter and spring the climate alternated between mild weather and extreme cold.
On June 11th, flowering began in Le Mesnil-sur-Oger.
Summer was hot and dry, making for excellent ripening conditions. The harvest commenced on September 22nd; during picking the weather was summery but with cold evening temperatures, which encouraged good acidity.


The wine is pearlescent. A pale, lustrous gold with a fine, lively mousse.

The nose is complex yet ethereal. Wonderfully refined, it is intriguing and enticing. Its minerality complemented by hints of white flowers, acacia and hawthorn. A salty note enhances aromas of bread crust, brioche and the merest hint of green apple and hazelnut.

The palate is quintessentially pure, the very epitomy of balance and restraint. Exuberant on attack the mousse becomes more of a caress whilst bubbles dance playfully on the palate; its delicate allure emulating the sensuous grace of a silk veil at dawn.
Mastery character, elegance and bright vitality – Complex indeed.

Salon 1997: It is difficult to encapsulate where so many complementary and contradictory elements come together in such harmony. The finesse of silk, persistence, innate depth and power are allied to a lightness of touch. Serve slightly chilled between 13° and 15°C and its true subtlety will be revealed - feminine and seductive, voluptuousness without bounds.

Food pairings

Choose rare, but very simple dishes to accompany Salon Le Mesnil 1997

Its refined femininity and mysterious pale gold are in harmony with rare, noble produce: the exquisite freshness of the sea, scallop carpaccio, steamed lobster and spring vegetables, an adventurous risotto with strawberries and foie gras or simply a fine Parma ham, an Iberico or the heart of a 36-month matured parmesan.

Champagne Salon 1996

Champagne Salon 1996 : A pinnacle


One grape variety, one cru, one year – Salon Le Mesnil (first vintage 1905) was created by Aimé Salon, a passionate gentleman obsessed with perfection. His idea of Champagne was to fashion a masterpiece of balance and elegance, an explosive Champagne full of seductive aromas, full of character, yet subtle: Thus was born Salon Le Mesnil. Only a few thousand bottles are made in carefully selected vintages and offered for sale some ten years later.
The 1996 vintage – at the top of this rare, elite collection – is being compared to the legendary 1928.

The vintage

Rare are the vintages of Salon Le Mesnil, only 37 have been produced in the past century. Each new vintage has been a peak in the landscape of Champagne. Now Salon Le Mesnil is reaching the summit of the Himalayas with its 1996 vintage. Exploding with aromas and freshness, this new vintage offers breathtaking heights and extraordinary character.

In the vineyard

1996: Auspicious flowering on the summer solstice
Thanks to a warm spring, the vines flowered on June 21 in Le Mesnil-sur-Oger. Flowering on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, is regarded as especially auspicious by the growers of Champagne. From this moment on, the intensity of the Côte des Blancs Grand Cru Chardonnay began to develop its unique characteristics, richness in sugar and high level of acidity. The Chardonnay grapes reached their maturity on September 23 in our vineyards of Le Mesnil-sur-Oger at which time hand-picking took place under the best conditions.


It is a virile, strongly built wine with restrained power, “feline like a snow tiger”, adds Depond. Taste it lightly chilled (between 13° and 15° – 55-60 F), so it reveals all its power, richness and penetrating aromas.


Salon Le Mesnil 1996 is a pale yellow wine with hints of green, “as bright as the morning sun light on the highest snow caps” says Didier Depond, chairman of Champagne Salon Le Mesnil. With fine, active bubbles, it has both the electricity and impertinence of youth, yet shows complexity and layers of aromas.
On the palate, Salon Le Mesnil displays a remarkable subtlety of flavors with touches of green apples, fresh citrus – lemon and grapefruit – building into mellow hints of ripe pear and kiwi.

Food pairings

Pick rare, but very simple dishes to accompany Salon Le Mesnil 1996
Salon Le Mesnil’s restrained power, dazzling aromas and mesmerizing intensity will complement dishes that combine rarity with beauty, such as the finest seafood – lobster fragrant with seaweed; scallops; freshly-roasted cod sprinkled with a few drops of green olive oil – great Parma and Ibérico ham (fat and aromatic), a delicious potato gratin with caviar or a veal casserole with morel mushrooms.
With its green, shimmering hue, its full yet lively personality, Salon Le Mesnil 1996 has already reached new summits, and there it will stand for the next 50 years.

Champagne Salon 1995

CHAMPAGNE SALON 1995, The Spirit of Seduction


The elegance and complexity of the Salon Champagne 1995 vintage takes us to the lofty heights of the sublime.

In the vineyard

After a mild, wet winter, a sunny spring and warm but temperate summer, the grape harvest in Mesnil-sur-Oger started on 23 September that year in mild, sunny weather. The grapes were superb, with excellent maturity and a perfect balance between sweetness and acidity.


Due to the richness and complexity of its aromas and its exceptional, lingering finish, Salon champagne can be drunk in the same way as a great wine.

Salon champagne is generally drunk at cellar temperature, ideally between
12 and 13°. The structure and style of the 1995 vintage are best expressed when it is served between 13 and 15°.

It is preferable to use a glass with a curved rim, something like the “tulip” shape and allow the Salon champagne to “air” in the glass for a few minutes before tasting.


Salon 1995 Champagne is pale yellow in colour, almost evanescent; it is fine and structured, with fine, regular bubbles, both lively and robust, a characteristic, complex nose with heady aromas of white flowers, honeysuckle, jasmine and orange blossom, developing gradually towards hints of lemon and exotic fruit, typical of Chardonnay.

The palate is powerful and well structured and has an immediate mineral taste, culminating in a warm and extremely sensual finish.

The elegance and complexity of the Salon Champagne 1995 vintage takes us to the lofty heights of the sublime.

Champagne Salon, AOC Champagne, Effervescent Brut, 1990

Salon 1990, Portrait of a great charming wine


Among those masterpieces that made the 20th century lighter and more beautiful, Champagne Salon punctuated the years with its 33 vintages. 1990, the last one for the moment, arrives with the new century: it is one of the most beautiful and the most charming.

In the vineyard

The bewitching paradox: the 1990 harvest
Each grape-berry is a memory: It is the concentration of the events of a whole year with its ups and downs and its rainy and sunny days. The year 1990 kept us in suspense.
First thrill: a first cold spell on April 5th bruised the Chardonnay grapes of the Côte des Blancs, followed by a second, even more devastating on April 19th. 45% of the vineyards are affected.
Then the early blossoming is spoiled by bad weather conditions, which will lead to flower abortion and millerandage (partial crop failure with mixed size berries). The winegrowers are feeling pretty uncomfortable and everybody is holding their breath.
The excellent conditions during maturation - These prevailed, without tiring, from the growing of the berries until the harvest– aided by the excellent know-how and the stroke of genius of the artist Alain Terrier, the result was extraordinary– almost magic.
The harvest started on September 14th in Le Mesnil-sur-Oger. Chardonnay grapes are extremely homogeneous and the astonishing balance of alcoholic and acidity gives its elegance and its brightness to this superb Vintage.


Its richness, the complexity of its aromas and its exceptional length on the palate allow you to taste Salon Champagne like a great wine. In order to keep its character intact you should serve Salon Champagne, not ice-cold, but at the temperature of the cellar – ideally between 10 and 12°. Before tasting, let it breathe some minutes in the glass, which preferably should have a curving rim, almost like a tulip.


The Beauty of Time for a Vintage of Genius
Knowing how to age is the mark of great characters and the greatest wines are of this calibre: their ability of ageing is the mark of their quality.
Salon 1990 is that seducer who certainly will not fail, on the contrary, it is a promise, a blooming to come, a sparkle that lasts, the unlimited class of the real structured and living beauty.
Rich and delicate, fleshy and rounded, dense and elegant, it is fascinating and dumbfounds one with its rare qualities pronounced by a deep golden colour and a fine and delicate sparkle.

The nose is an aromatic explosion of lime, spices and candied oranges. With its wonderfully floral quality, it radiates freshness. So much so that as it develops it acquires a sweetness which envelops us and carries us away. It is like a young girl who is amazed as she has lived such a protected life. A mystery…

Food pairings

Classy for very sensual dishes.
This monument of the 20th century needs almost universal dishes. Its richness allows this multiple and colourful marriage. You can dare everything: Sushi can bowl you over, a risotto of white truffles is exulting, a great Parma or Spanish Ham – simplicity obliges the greatest – carries you to unsuspected heights. The most classical dishes will be enhanced through their union with Salon 1990 : think of oysters, even game, hare à la royale for instance. It is beyond your wildest dreams!

Champagne Salon 1988

The 1988 vintage : the concept of freshness


At Salon, only the exceptional years are judged fine enough to produce a Champagne vintage.This only arrives approximately every 2-3 years, and 1988 is the 31st vintage in 76 years. There are rare cases that two great years follow each other as in 1928 and 1929, and 1982 and 1983.

In the vineyard

1988 : The year of surprises.
Surprises, yes, for in climatic terms the weather this year was average, unremarkable even, alternating between scattered rain showers and spring sunshine, a non-eventful flowering, a fine fruit set, and finally a good harvest of ripe grapes, in reasonable quantity, and all picked on 26th September in the Côte des Blancs. All in all, a normal year for such a superb and complex wine. It puts one in mind of a dull pupil, who passes unnoticed all year and who suddenly reveals his genius and creates a stir at his final exams.


To keep its character intact, Salon should be served not chilled, but at cellar temperature, ideally between 10 and 12°c.


Salon 1988 is Champagne Salon by another name, that is to say it expresses the best qualities and ideals of Salon : finesse and power, subtle aromas changing and developing on the nose and palate, evolving in the glass and in the mouth, but nevertheless, a wine with presence, with an aura.

Salon 1988 imposes itself by its complexity, by its ability to surprise which is the charm of a great seducer. But there are no elements of a Don Juan here : the wine is real, honest and faithful, a great lover.

In a fluted glass, a transparent clear gold colour shines. A fine mousse rises to form an ascending column, slow rising and spreading out in a persistent circular motion.

The nose is complex : warm toast and brioche, truffles, contrasted with hints of candied lemon and citrus fruits. On the second taste, the breadth of the wine explodes on the palate. It makes you dream of caviar to accompany the wine.
On the palate, tasted not too chilled in order for its subtleties to develop, and as well aired as it should be, Salon 1988 has a freshness and a silky, full elegance ; it is honeyed, with a marriage of citrus elements and the creamy, grilled aromas of ripe Chardonnay, and these elements bring to perfection the wonderful qualities of the 1988 vintage in Champagne.

This is followed by a cascade of secondary aromas, of trills, enchantments and crescendos : you can never reach agreement or harmony, it makes one think of Mozart….

It is typical Salon - -long in the mouth, flawless, clear, with faint dosage. Marvel at this Salon 1988 which allies finesse and power in a richness that delights like an opera.

Food pairings

Its richness, the complexity of its aromas as well as its exceptional length in the mouth allows Salon to be tasted as a great wine. As an aperitif or to accompany a Champagne dinner, one can match it voluntarily with fine and delicate foods such as belon, caviar, nages of fish and shellfish, scallops, foie gras, white meats, fresh fruit desserts…

Champagne Salon 1985

Salon 1985 : Millennium Miracle !


Salon is made entirely from Chardonnay grapes grown in Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, one of the greatest and most distinctive crus of the Côte des Blancs.
Salon uses grapes from 100% rated vineyards only with vines all over 40 years old and growing on the mid-slopes. Limited yields are responsible for Salon’s extraordinary intensity of fruit.

The vintage

Why was Champagne Salon ’85 held until the Millennium ?

This was a vintage that mystified everyone ! Severe winter frosts had destroyed one in ten of every vine in Champagne. Despite the irregular maturity of the clusters at the end of the summer, superb sunny weather in September and October enabled the grapes to swell and ripen in perfect conditions. The beautiful late season even permitted a rare “ second harvest ” at the end of October. The quality was excellent, producing champagne of remarkable intensity.

Salon 1985 is distinguished by its elegance and great complexity. It is described by Alain Terrier, Salon’s oenologist, as : “ Bright gold, light and glittering, with aromas of candied fruits, hazelnut, and a touch of vanilla. On the palate, the first impression is of freshness and abundant Chardonnay fruit ; the finish is long and persistent. The wine displays a rarely achieved balance of strength and complexity ”.

Champagne Salon 1983


At Salon, only the exceptional years are judged fine enough to produce a Champagne vintage. This is extremely rare when two great years follow each other such as 1928 and 1929, 1982 and 1983.


To keep its character intact, Salon should be served not chilled, but at cellar temperature, ideally between 10 and 12°c.


With its yellow gold colour, of good intensity, its typical nose, complex with fruity aromas of fresh figs, bergamot, anise, and also of grilled bread, butter, vanilla and wax; a palate of steeped and dried fruits, the 1983 vintage Salon is rich, creamy, powerful and superbly fresh. It is an all-powerful wine, long in the mouth with a fresh, fine, and persistent palate. Its richness, the complexity of its aromas as well as its exceptional length in the mouth allows Salon to be tasted as a great wine. As an aperitif or to accompany a champagne dinner, one can match it happily with fine and delicate food such as oysters, caviar, fish, scallops, foie gras, white meats, fresh fruit desserts …

Food pairings

Its richness, the complexity of its aromas as well as its exceptional length in the mouth allows Salon to be tasted as a great wine. As an aperitif or to accompany a Champagne dinner, one can match it voluntarily with fine and delicate foods such as belon, caviar, nages of fish and shellfish, scallops, foie gras, white meats, parmesan...

Champagne Salon 1982

The vintage

Late departure of vegetation, although with extremely favourable weather conditions, the vines developed without a hitch. For all varieties, emergence of very fine clusters. Although the vines had not produced in two years, they gave their very best. Good ripeness of the harvest thanks to superb September sunshine. Harvesting commenced on 17th and 20th September depending on the variety and vineyard. The Chardonnays are well balanced, very fine and elegant.

Champagne Salon 1979

The vintage

Late bud-burst. Emergence of fine Chardonnay clusters. Rapid flowering of white grapes. Harvesting commenced between 3rd and 8th October, depending on the terroir. The grapes generally all very healthy with alcoholic content exceeding 9° and acidity just below 9°. The 1979 wines are characterised by a very distinct neatness and a particularly striking aromatic power of the Chardonnay.

Champagne Salon 1976

The vintage

Bud-burst took place between 6th and 21st April depending on the variety and the precocity of the terroir. The emergence of clusters was considered generous. Flowering, from around 10th-15th June, came early. Summer weather was extremely hot, the soil already exceptionally dry and drought widespread over the vineyards. The speed of the ripening period, from early August, surprised the majority of winegrowers on holiday and forced to make a hasty retreat to prepare for the harvest. Ripening came extremely early, with a mere 84 days between flowering and harvesting. The grapes were perfectly healthy with low acidity. The excellent ripeness and high degree obtained for the musts, their low acidity produced a wine highlighting particular characteristics with an exceptional constitution. Robust, extremely vinous and supple.

Champagne Salon 1973

The vintage

Hail on 3rd May caused damage on the heights of Le Mesnil-sur-Oger. Flowering took place in excellent conditions. A very dry summer despite occasional storms. Harvesting began on 28th September. Good quality.

Champagne Salon 1971

The vintage

There was rapid emergence of vegetation, although spring frosts (between 27th and 29th April) affected 1000 hectares. The hailstorm of 27th May alone destroyed 650 hectares. Cold weather took hold in June, with flowering in very bad weather conditions, extending from June through to early July. Exceptional weather in July, but hail and windy weather from 27th July to 18th August completely annihilated 2650 hectares. Major erosion problems. Harvesting commenced on 18th September. Good quality.

Champagne Salon 1969

The vintage

Frequent violent summer storms, with hail affecting significant areas in a number of vineyards - close to 900 hectares were completely destroyed. Harvesting began in the dry and sunny weather of 1st October and lasted fifteen days. The harvest was healthier than in the two previous years. Very good quality.

Champagne Salon 1966

The vintage

Flowering went well. May to August storms caused a total loss of some 200 hectares across Champagne. Harvesting began in very acceptable conditions on 26th September, revealing white grapes in the peak of health. Good quality.

Champagne Salon 1964

The vintage

Flowering, speedily reaching full bloom stage, then delayed by the cold, ended well. Harvesting began on 16th September in rain which continued for 48 hours, followed by hot and sunny weather. The temperature rose as picking advanced with no notable drop in acidity. Excellent quality.

Champagne Salon 1961

The vintage

Flowering languid at the start, very rapid from full bloom stage to completion. Harvesting commenced on 20th September in excellent conditions, revealing a good health status. Fine quality.

Champagne Salon 1959

The vintage

Although flowering got off to a slow start, the rhythm intensified followed by rapid fruit setting. Harvesting started on 10th September, revealing excellent ripeness, helped by exceptional climatic conditions throughout the summer. Very good quality.

Champagne Salon 1956

The vintage

Winter frosts caused particularly severe damage to the vines in several areas. Starting on the 8th October, the harvest was quickly and efficiently completed despite serious sorting. Medium quality.

Champagne Salon 1955

The vintage

Frosts in May over all Champagne affected 1500 hectares in the Marne, whereof 400 to 500 were completely destroyed. Flowering got off to a slow start, before picking up speed and completing in a few days. Fruit set of rare perfection. Underway in the majority of communes at the beginning of October, the harvest revealed an excellent health status. Good quality.

Champagne Salon 1953

The vintage

Frost in May affecting large areas, but not with such severity. Although flowering got off to a good start, but later proved slower than expected. Particularly healthy harvest, beginning on 15th September under clement skies. Due to heavy rainfall a few days before harvesting, the grapes suddenly filled out considerably. Very good quality.

Champagne Salon 1951

The vintage

Catastrophic frosts affecting three-quarters of the vineyards and reducing total potential by at least 70%. Very early bud break. Blossoming in most regions with re-emergence deemed consistent over the various vine varieties after the frost. Cold snap disrupting flowering throughout. Late harvest (1st October) in good, dry but chilly weather. Healthy clusters. Medium quality.

Champagne Salon 1949

The vintage

Flowering was spread out over three weeks due to cold weather. Harvesting started on 19th September and was finished rapidly. Sudden development of rot during picking, with limited losses.

Champagne Salon 1948

The vintage

Hailfall in May, July and August. Flowering unfavourably influenced by atmospheric elements. Attack of grey rot at the end of August and the beginning of September, but clearing with the return of good weather. Appearing healthy, the harvest (from 20th September) nonetheless showed the effects of botrytis.

Champagne Salon 1947

The vintage

Very rapid flowering, complete on 10th June. The harvest commencing 5th September was the earliest since 1893 and perfect in all respects. Good quality.

Champagne Salon 1946

The vintage

Early bud-burst and exceptional emergence. Slow and irregular flowering. The weather improved a few days before harvesting at the end of September. Relatively satisfactory harvest. Medium quality.

Champagne Salon 1943

The vintage

Flowering in low temperatures with frequent showers. Harvesting from 15th September of excellent healthy grapes. Exceptional quality.

Champagne Salon 1942

The vintage

Frosts on 4th and 5th May mainly causing damage in the Marne valley. Flowering took place in the best conditions. Good quality.

Champagne Salon 1937

The vintage

Very speedy harvest. Harvesting was carried out on 21st September in warm and dry weather, although laborious due to rigorous sorting. Good quality overall.

Champagne Salon 1934

The vintage

Damage from May frosts, but only about 6% of potential crop. Rapid flowering progressed well. Insignificant damage from disease and insects.

Champagne Salon 1928

The vintage

Frosts in May, the Côte des Blancs sustaining the worst of it. Some hailfall hit diverse vineyards, resulting in some losses. Flowering more or less normal, although somewhat extended. Harvesting started off on a sun-filled 28th September, although ending on a rainy note. Healthy harvest of exceptional quality.

Champagne Salon 1925

The vintage

Hailfall on the Côte des Blancs and the Montagne de Reims, with notable losses. Flowering disrupted by often cold nights. Harvesting lasting over a month. Quality judged rather good.

Champagne Salon 1921

The vintage

Catastrophic black frosts on 15th/16th April, with the thermometer dropping to -7°C the first night with an occasional -9°C the following day, while temperatures varied between 24°C and 28°C from 11th to 14th April. Estimated losses comparable to 1873 - about 80% of the crop. However conditions more favourable to the development of the vine during the campaign. Perfect flowering. Harvesting went very quickly. Exceptional quality.

Champagne Salon 1914

The vintage

Protracted flowering. Powerful mildew attack in early July but without noticeable damage. The harvest started on 28th September and took place under the best possible conditions. Excellent quality.

Champagne Salon 1911

The vintage

Early flowering held up to its promises. Summer drought with harvesting from 10th to 12th September in splendid weather conditions. Perfect ripeness. Exceptional quality.

Champagne Salon 1909

The vintage

Heavy winter frosts, returning early spring until mid-May. Early and satisfactory flowering. Harvesting started on 26th September, mostly in the rain.

Champagne Salon 1905

The vintage

There were several bouts of frost in May. A number of hailstorms in June and July wreaked havoc. Satisfactory flowering. The harvest began in the last ten days of September.


















